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Grit: How to Keep Going When You Want to Give Up


Informative, concise and straight-to-the-point, Grit: How to Keep Going When You Want to Give Up by Martin Meadows is about as no-nonsense as it gets when it comes to self-help. Claiming to ‘explore the subject of persistence from a more scientific point of view than cliché self-help sayings’, Grit dives right into the key messages itself, making it a pleasantly quick read (only 100+ pages) without the baggage of boring details, though some readers may prefer deeper probes via more examples. The tips themselves aren’t unique, but they are undoubtedly helpful advice: for example, the importance of designing a schedule and maintaining routine that you can carry on for achieving sustained productivity. For the more well-read self-help readers, this book serves more as a reminder about techniques of perseverance than a chance to gain new knowledge; for the self-help beginners, this book, with its conciseness, is the perfect place to begin.  

A particular feature readers will enjoy about this book is its collaborative contents. Six bestselling authors and bloggers, from bestselling author Hung Pham of Break Through: 12 Powerful Steps to Destroy Your Mental Barriers and Achieve Success to ImpossibleHQ.com blogger Joel Runyon, have contributed to its content, sharing their best techniques on how to keep going when you want to give up. Together, these self-help gurus create a valuable set of tips to help readers devise long-term goals, understand the different approaches that could be taken towards those goals and towards life itself, and the necessary actions to persist and work towards a better future.