Looking for JJ is a thought-provoking young adult novel written by British author Anne Cassidy. This story explores themes of justice, guilt and forgiveness as we are introduced to Jennifer Jones, a girl who was convicted of murder at a young age, who is also now struggling to fit into society with her new identity, and who also has feelings despite her mistakes.
How does Carol Jones’s character as well as her relationship with Jennifer play a role in the young girl’s crime? Why do you think many criminals, including young Jennifer had the tendency of responding to difficult situations with violence? To what degree do you think Jennifer’s childhood experiences and emotional status spare her from her guilt? How does your answer alter when you consider this from the perspective of Jennifer and Michelle’s family? Why? How would you come to terms with yourself if you were in Jennifer’s shoes?
Alice is terrified of the people around her finding out about her past. Why do you think she gave up on her identity but remained insecure? What psychological effects can such an emotional burden have on her? How likely do you think the societal prejudice and exclusion associated with rehabilitated convicts can encourage crime re-commitment? How should society treat these people? How would you treat these people?