Maggot Moon is a piece of dystopian literature written by British writer and illustrator Sally Gardner. This young adult novel explores themes of friendship, freedom, courage and hope through the narration of loyal Standish Treadwell.
As the story began, readers started noticing how Standish’s character seemed to sway away from the traditional heroic protagonist. How does he prove himself to be someone just as strong and worthy as any other leading heroes in other fictional works?
Standish claimed that his grandfather was the only person who ‘still pulled the gravity in him’. Why is this statement such an accurate description of their relationship?
How would you describe the governing policy in the Motherland? Why do you think they value compliance over dissent? What real-world systems are you reminded of?
Gramps sometimes wondered if “there is any such thing as a truth. Hard to tell when so much is a lie.” In a world of lies, how can we recognise the truth, and why should we try?