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Watership Down by Richard Adams

Charlotte’s Web by E. B. WhiteWatership Down is a stirring tale of courage, adventure and survival written by English author Richard Adams. This young adult novel is set in the idyllic rural landscape of England’s Downs, where a group of anthropomorphised rabbits journeyed in search of a safe new home.


How do the epigraphs presented at the beginning of every chapter relate to the story and bring afloat its literary themes? 

Consider the way the rabbits believe passionately in El-ahrairah. How is this used as a symbolism for various real-world religions? What was the role of El-ahrairah’s myths, and how does it compare to the ones we know of in our religions?

What do the various challenges that Hazel’s team encountered along their journey to Watership Down symbolise? How did these incidents impact the rabbits individually and as a team? 

What does the difference in political visions of Hazel and Woundwort reflect about the characters themselves? How are they similar but also different? What sort of leaders do they represent, and can you relate them to any real-life figures in human history?