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Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown

Charlotte’s Web by E. B. WhiteWe all know that Coke and pancakes are flat, but who would’ve thought that red-haired boys can also be flat? Flat Stanley is a popular children’s book series written by American author Jeff Brown. This book introduces young readers to the remarkable adventures of a boy who survived an incident that squashed him flat.


How did Stanley Lambchop and the people around him feel at first about him being flat, and how does this change throughout the course of the novel? Do you think Stanley likes being ‘different’? What are some of the incidents that drive a change in his perception of being ‘flat’? Why do you think Arthur wanted to ‘flatten’ himself later, and why did he fail to do so? 

Do you think Stanley was better off being ‘flat’ or ‘round’? If you are given a choice, will you choose to be ‘flat’ or ‘round’?