The Kite Rider is an award-winning young adult novel written by British novelist Geraldine McCaughrean. This story tackles themes of greed, loyalty, family, sacrifice and betrayal with the dramatic world of 13th-century-China as its background.
The Kite Rider is an award-winning young adult novel written by British novelist Geraldine McCaughrean. This story tackles themes of greed, loyalty, family, sacrifice and betrayal with the dramatic world of 13th-century-China as its background.
Junk is a realistic young adult novel written by British author Melvin Burgess in 1996. This powerful and unflinching novel reveals a story of love, addiction and all the dark things school doesn’t tell you about.
Can a fourteen-year-old with just enough wit and courage save the day? English novelist and screenwriter Anthony Horowitz proved this to be possible in his action-packed thriller Stormbreaker. This novel is the first in the Alex Rider series, and crafts a world of espionage and intrigue as it unravels the undercover missions of teenager super-spy Alex Rider.
Maggot Moon is a piece of dystopian literature written by British writer and illustrator Sally Gardner. This young adult novel explores themes of friendship, freedom, courage and hope through the narration of loyal Standish Treadwell.