The Chrysalids is a science fiction novel published by British writer John Wyndham in 1955. David Strorm, the protagonist, leads an ordinary life in what was left of the world after a global nuclear war, never questioning the religious and genetic beliefs of his community in which no deviation is tolerated.
All of this changed when David realizes one day that he possesses an unimaginable power that could either destroy him or free him. Why do you think David chose to break free instead of hiding his powers and becoming the ‘chrysalid’ he was raised to become? How was he different from everyone else in Waknuk?
Chrysalids refer to insects’ sheltered state of growth. Why was this book named after it? Do you think the inhabitants of Waknuk are shielding themselves from something? If yes, what would that be, and what ‘state’ are they attempting to achieve? What role does David and his powers play in that?
In the later part of the story where the venture towards a Brave New World begins, what are some of the humane qualities that David and his team of friends exhibited? Were these characteristics found in Waknuk? On the other hand, what do you think Sophie represents as she slowly changes and leaves her former humanity? How does this make you feel?
Upon embracing the Brave New World, what do you think were some of the concerns and worries contributing to David’s reserved attitude? Do you find them valid, and do you think that the Brave New World is really the best place to go?